Have You Taken a Cooking Class in a Foreign Country?

We have often heard about people taking cooking classes during their travels, but we have never done that ourselves. We truly enjoy eating like a local and have been trying to replicate some of our favorite meals over the past few months. As we make our final preparations for our trip to Ecuador in three weeks, one of the things that we are considering is taking a cooking class while we are there. If we do take the class, we will eat a variety of local favorites and end by making our own empanadas using fresh, local ingredients.

Seafood Risotto

We enjoyed the variety of foods that we ate during our trip to Bolivia last year and look forward to tasting the cuisine of Ecuador. We are expecting them to be rich with starches and have a variety of pork and beef dishes. Have any of you taken a local cooking class during your travels? Would you recommend it?

Fried Duck
Chicken and Pasta

8 thoughts on “Have You Taken a Cooking Class in a Foreign Country?

  1. I took cooking classes in the Bahamas – loved everything about it. One challenge is finding the local ingredients they use there, but still some of the techniques and flavors are worth bringing home. Do it for sure if you are interested.

    1. Thank you for the feedback! Yes, it is hard sometimes to find ingredients to try to replicate dishes you have while travelling. It can make for some interesting dishes at home 🙂

  2. I took a cooking class in Thailand. I was kind of skeptical, because I always thought of cooking classes as being for novice cooks, but it was actually a lot of fun, and making a homemade curry paste with a giant mortar and pestle is definitely not something I would normally do at home, so it was nice to learn how (with a food processor handy!). It was also a LOT of food; we were too full to eat two of the courses, so definitely come with an empty stomach!

    1. We like learning different cooking methods, some are not so easy to do when back home. Making homemade curry paste sounds like fun, but we would definitely keep a food processor handy as well :). We will be sure to have an empty stomach :).

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