Koblenz, Germany

Taking a train from Frankfurt to Koblenz was one of the most memorable trips during our time in Germany. The city spans both sides of the Rhine River and is situated where the Rhine meets the Moselle River. There are many sights to see when visiting Koblenz, but the highlights are the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, the German Corner, and Schloss Stolzenfels. There is also an interesting statue that depicts the 2000 year history of the city, but even without all of these places, just walking along the Rhine would make visiting Koblenz worthwhile.

Clock Tower at Dusk
Old Town Plaza
Twin Towers on the Church

In order to get to Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, you take a cable car across the river to the top of the hillside where the fortress stands. The fortress is definitely interesting to see, but the views of the city are absolutely spectacular. Seeing the German Corner from the top of the hillside is even more impressive than just walking it at ground level. It is the spot where the Rhine and Moselle meet and has a park and a large statue of William I, the first emperor of Germany, riding a horse.

The German Corner from the Fortress
Cargo Ships on the Rhine River
The Fortress from Across the River
Fortress Walls

Schloss Stolzenfels is just outside of the city, but definitely worth taking a taxi to see. It is located in a large park with walking trails and sits high atop a hill that overlooks the river below. It is possible to take a tour of the castle, but there were none in English at the time that we visited. Also, be sure to have a number of a taxi driver with you as you can’t guarantee that there will be one in the area after you visit the castle, at least not during October when we were there.

Looking Up at the Castle
Walking Around the Castle
Standing on the Castle Wall
Beautiful Autumn Colors

There are plenty of restaurants and hotels to choose from, but one of our favorite places to eat was at the Einstein Café where they served a rather extensive buffet brunch with paintings of Einstein all around the room. Perhaps because it was one of the first places that we visited during our time in Germany, Koblenz will always have a special place in our hearts. It certainly didn’t hurt that the scenery was so beautiful at that time of the year.

Historic Buildings Along the Rhine
Statue of William I in the German Corner
Old Town Koblenz
View Along the Rhine
Tomb in the Fortress
Statue Depicting 2000 Years of History


11 thoughts on “Koblenz, Germany

  1. Very beautiful.
    Having recently been in Bern, Switzerland, it’s interesting to see the German influence in the buildings.
    We have started looking into more European train travel as well.

  2. I love Koblenz. A long time ago we took my late husband’s Mum and Auntie to visit there for the day before we caught our flight back to England. We took the bus down to the river. There was some kind of celebration starting, as we watched the people parachute down to the river they closed the bus stop. The older ones with us could not walk back to the bus station. We could not find a taxi or another bus stop. We ended up paying 100 euros for a taxi to get us to the airport in time, so we didn’t miss our flight. Some people complained but I saw it as another adventure. Life is full of them

  3. jasonlikestotravel

    The views along the Rhine are pretty in the other direction too if you’re going up towards Cologne. I only briefly stopped in Koblenz once for dinner but I’ve done the train journey passing through a couple of times and its stunning. Maybe I’ll make a little more time to see the city properly next time. Great post 🙂

  4. Pingback: The Historic German Corner in Koblenz, Germany – Living The Q Life

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