Hiking in the Mountains During Autumn

One of our favorite things to do during autumn when the leaves turn vibrantly colorful is to go hiking in the mountains. At these elevations, around 8,000 feet (2,400 meters), the leaves change sooner than they do in other places and they also don’t last long as winter arrives swiftly. We went to Mueller State Park, located about an hour outside of Colorado Springs, and spent a day hiking among the pine trees and aspen trees. The temperatures were cool and the skies were clear, so it was a perfect day to spend time in the mountains on some trails that we haven’t previously hiked.

Leaves on the Trail
Looking Up at the Blue Skies
Colorful Scenery
Aspen Grove
Looking Towards Pikes Peak
Looking Across Mountains
Rugged Hut Along the Trail

The great thing about hiking in the high country is that you get a mix of seeing the changing colors up close as well as the tapestry of colors across the skyline. The park is located on the backside of Pikes Peak and the scenery was simply amazing as it almost always is at this time of year. The colors are mostly the golds and yellows of the aspen groves surrounded by the deep greens of the pine trees, which is different than the reds and oranges that you find in most places. If you get a chance to visit Colorado in autumn, we’d highly recommend that you get into the mountains, even if just by car.

Stand Alone Tree
Hiking the Trail
More Views from the Trail
Beautiful Scenery
The Colorado Mountains
Shadows on the Trail
Some Leaves Starting to Change


10 thoughts on “Hiking in the Mountains During Autumn

  1. Oh those gorgeous golden aspens! What a beautiful day of high country hiking. Thanks for the taste of fall! It’s a hundred degrees right now with drought conditions in Tennessee and I fear our fall color will just be brown this year. How I’d love to be in Colorado right now 🙂

    1. They were really pretty. Our autumn leave season is really short. They only last about 3 weeks before we get cold weather and they all fall off. Sorry for the heat. We are glad to be done with those hot temps.

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